Wow, life is never dull in the Weeks household lately. Unfortunately, we could use some dull right now. Last week was my first week back to work and it ended with a bang. John called me at 12:30 saying that he had fallen, hurt his back, and was on the way to the doctor. He was worried that he couldn't even get out of the car...Then at 2:15 the phone rings again. This time it was Bobby and Brogan's babysitter saying that Bobby had a temperature of 102.7. Yikes! So I picked the boys up and headed to the doctor, meanwhile John called and said that he was on his way to the orthopedist because the general practice doctor felt that he may have fractured his spine...
Bobby tested negative for the flu, but the pediatrician felt that his breathing was too fast and wanted us to go to the ER. Dr. Mom felt that the breathing rate was from the fever and fast heartrate and didn't want to expose Bobby to the ER germs if it was not necessary!! After talking to the doctor several times again, we felt comfortable watching Bobby overnight. Thank goodness for a mother's instinct! Bobby had a fever through Friday night and into Saturday morning, but has been fine since then. He and Brogan both developed a rash which I attribute to the virus. Yes, another virus, apparently the third one in three weeks?? We are a little frustrated and worried what this cold and flu season holds in store for us. I loaded up on probiotics, vitamins, OJ, etc. to help us fight through this. Prayers are helpful too!!
Ok, now back to John...Fortunately he did not fracture his spine. However, it was discovered that he L5 vertebrae at the bottom of his spine is pushed forward a few millimeters. It has been causing him pain and probably will for the rest of his life. The fall that he took has aggravated the problem and his pain is severe. He was given a lot of medication to get him through this, but it has been a slow recovery. But as long as he does not begin to feel pain in his legs, there will not be a bigger issue.

So, we are hoping for a healthier and smoother week! It is hard to believe that Brogan will be 8 weeks next Friday. He is growing and changing every day. We are so thankful that he is such an easy-going baby because he has spent quite a bit of time in the doctor's office and hospital while we have dealt with Bobby!
I guess that is all for now (if it isn't enough!!). Hopefully the next update will have fun news!!
YAYYY! I love blogging :) I'll add you to my blogroll. Hope things start looking up for the Week's family.
ReplyDeleteI've been blogging for over a year now. You can see mine at www.diabetes-sweeties.blogspot.com
See ya at school :)