Sunday, May 23, 2010

August 9th

August 9th is the tentative date for Brogan's surgery. It should be confirmed within the next couple of weeks. I was quite shocked by the date because the last time I had spoken with them they were looking into July dates. My first reaction was frustration and tears because I wasn't sure how this would impact my chances of getting a teaching job. Fortunately some wonderful women at my school reminded me that God has a plan and His timing is perfect. It appears that teachers report around August 18th in North Carolina, so that should give me enough time to go to Dallas, have Brogan's surgery, and return in time to start the year (if I have a job). The benefit to surgery in August is that it gives us a solid month in Charlotte as a family to enjoy the summer and each other. Of course I am not sure what it is about my boys and surgeries, but August 9th is 2 days after Brogan's 1st birthday! Again, I am going to trust God's timing even though I don't always understand it.

Once I had digested this information, I was able to call Dallas back to discuss a few more things. My heart sunk when they shared that there is a deposit for Dr. Fearon's services, half of it due when we confirm the date and the other half due 7 days prior to surgery. I have to do some more checking into it because it may be that they have not checked with the insurance company. We have never had to pay anything upfront for a surgery, and never had any issues going to CHOP despite the fact that there are several cardiothoracic surgeons in the area. We are going to need some prayers on this one! We are putting it all into God's hands.

Today we had a wonderful message at church focused on Hebrews Chapter 10. We need to keep getting UP (draw near to God), keep talking UP (speak words of hope), and keep showing UP (gathering with our brothers and sisters in Christ). But especially we need to stay strong and know that THE BEST IS YET TO COME. My goal this week is to focus on the Word from this message. I hope you will join me!

Heart Hugs!

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